
Terminal shell, like bash or zsh

Pros 👍

  • Do math anytime. The < & > do mean “less than” and “greater than”, instead of “read from file” and “write to file”

  • Type safety

  • Rich type system (even has records)

  • The way you specify completions for third-party commands looks awesome:

    Like sourcing this just works (no need for special completion registration):

    def kubectl-contexts [] {
    	open ~/.kube/config | from yaml | get
    def kubectl-resources [] {
    	kubectl api-resources -o name | lines
    def kubectl-namespaces [] {
    	kubectl get ns -o name | lines | split column '/' | get column2
    def kubectl-outputs [] {
    	"json|yaml|name|go-template|go-template-file|template|templatefile|jsonpath|jsonpath-as-json|jsonpath-file|custom-columns|custom-columns-file|wide" \
          | split row '|'
    export extern "kubectl get" [
    	resource: string@kubectl-resources          # name of Kubernetes resource
    	--namespace(-n): string@kubectl-namespaces  # show resources from specific Kubernetes namespace
    	--all-namespaces(-A)                        # show resources all Kubernetes namespaces
    	--context: string                           # context from your ~/.kube/config
    	--output(-o): string@kubectl-outputs        # output format

    It even validates it for me:

    $ kubectl get -o wide
    Error: nu::parser::missing_positional
      × Missing required positional argument.
       ╭─[entry #86:1:1]
     1 │ kubectl get -o wide
       ·            ▲
       ·            ╰── missing resource
      help: Usage: kubectl get {flags} <resource>

Cons 👎

  • Quite verbose. E.g:
    • ls */ vs ls | where type == dir
    • cat file vs open --raw file
    • echo foo >> file vs "foo" | save --raw --append file
  • No dir aliasing (like if I in zsh run hash -d c=~/code, then I can do ~c/foo to go to ~/code/foo)
  • Can’t parse table output.
  • Can’t really deal with streaming data, such as kubectl get pods -w | lines
  • Can’t Ctrl+Z an application, but instead must install third party tool pueued for this?
  • Too unknown. Completion support for random CLI apps:
    • bash: super common
    • zsh: quite common (zsh can load bash completions anyway)
    • fish: uncommon
    • powershell: uncommon
    • nushell: non-existent
  • Completions dont work for aliases (for now:
July 28, 2023